An Ethereal Trio Issue 6

Back at the Cloister, Fereneses walked into the basement of the prison. He unlocked one of the cells.

“Hello Chase,” Fereneses started.

“Fereneses, to what I owe the pleasure. Do you have another contract for me?” Chase asked looking up

“This is your last contract as the Cloister Hunter. After this you are free and have your life as you choose.”

“You must be desperate considering I’m still in here for another 15 years. What are the terms?”

“The being known as the Dark Arc and the citizen it inhabits are to be banished to Purgadum.”

“Fereneses, you know that is too specific of a contract. You know my rules in this position as set by your council when I started. Yes the specifics can be there, but it needs to be a broad contract.”

“A being of darkness must be banished to Purgadum. Is that broad enough?”

“Yes it is. Where am I to go?”

“You are headed to Earth through the native plane idol.” Fereneses brandished a curved blade with inscriptions on it with a handle.

“It will be done.” Chase answered taking the blade.

Back on earth, Elania came to in a hospital. She tried moving but was met with Lorelei holding her shoulder.

“You had a rough spell when the attackers at the City Center assaulted the Governor. It was nice that you were there defending him.”

“But we were,” Elania noticed the doctor and nurses behind Lorelei, Astrid and Jason. “I’m glad I was there to help.”

“Visiting hours is almost over,” said one of the nurses.

Several days and some visits later, Elania was just starting to move. She was limited due to the possibility of her stitches opening. Astrid walked in.

“I was really worried about you,” Astrid said standing near Elania.

“It makes me happy that you care so much,” Elania said back.

“The doctor says you may be out soon.”

“That’s good.”

“I was thinking. There is a place I pass by along the way here called Dansbury Mocha. Do they do coffee like at home?”

“Better more fun coffee.”

“Do you want to go there with me sometime? It would be just us.”

“Astrid are you asking me out on a date?” Elania asked with a slight smile

“A friendly gathering for now,” Astrid replied.

A few days later Elania was released. Jason drove them to the Danbury Mocha. He agreed to pick them up in a couple hours.

“I understand you were in the War of Space and Time.” Astrid started out.

“Yes I was.” Elania started. “It turns out I was a gifted speedster. The powers weren’t granted often especially with someone in the Continuum. Lori and I eventually became merged. The merging only happens to those who make it past the Door of the Continuum. When we merged, we were almost unstoppable with what we could do.”

“Do you have any family?”

“My brother is still alive but he’s in a prison there for dabbling in a power that is now fused with him. What about you? I heard about what your father needed to do.”

“My father passed, and I don’t know what happened to my mother the incident.”

“I hope she is safe.”

“So do I. I also hope to see her again sometime.”

Chase walked up Dansbury Mocha in a brown trench coat.

“Astrid we have a problem,” said Darius.

“Not now,” Astrid responded.

“Who are you talking to?” Elania asked.

“No you need to listen to me.” Darius ordered “Slowly and briefly glance out the window.”

Astrid briefly glanced and saw Chase.

“Darius who is that,” Astrid asked.

“Darius, that’s the name of the Dark Arc. How long have you been communicating with him?” Elania asked worried.

“That’s Chase, the Cloister Hunter. He was sent here by Fereneses on a contract for us. Get Elania and go out the back. If he engages and it’s too much you may have to let me take control.”

“Astrid talk to me,” Elania pleaded.

“We have to go and now,” Astrid said. “Trust me and don’t look out the window. I’ll fill you in when I am able to.”

They slowly walked around to the back of the coffee shop. Chase ran around the back. When Astrid and Elania made it out, Chase was there holding out the blade. He swung it and spikes of energy flew at them. Astrid covered Elania and made a shield of shadows.

“Counter,” Darius ordered. Astrid spun around, made hand signs that came to her mind through Darius and slapped her hands on the ground. Shadows shot forward and hit chase backwards. “Shield,” Darius said. As more spikes came at them.

“Darius I won’t be able to keep this going and protect Eli.” Astrid said worried.

“No you won’t.” Darius said. “Let me control, I’ll get us out of here. Let me help you save her.”

Astrid looked Elania in the face.

“Do you trust me?” Astrid said with a very serious tone.

“Yes I do.” Elania said.

“Then right now you’re going to need to trust him as well.”

“Wait Astrid you don’t mean.”

Astrid touched the seal, was covered in shadows, and Darius took over. He made several hand motions and touched a nearby dumpster. It and the trash broke into several pieces covered in shadows and he directed them at Chase.

“Get on our back,” said Darius.

Elania complied. Darius made more hand signs and took off flying. Chase blasted away the debris only to see that they were gone.